How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction In New Jersey
It’s fairly common for you to see the signs of substance use in a family member before they do. Having difficulties managing commitments, becoming defensive or secretive about drinking or using drugs, or looking pale and unhealthy all may be red flags for addiction.
But how should you approach them about this troubling matter? The last thing you want to do is alienate a person who is struggling with substance use. Here’s how to talk to a loved one about addiction in New Jersey and how to start them on the recovery path.
Discuss Their Substance Use Somewhere They Feel At Ease
Addressing a loved one about their substance use is called an intervention. This is the moment when you advise them that you are aware they have a condition and want them to obtain professional support.
Talking about their disorder will undoubtedly be challenging for them. Help them feel relaxed by hosting the intervention in a familiar place, like their residence or a well-liked meeting place. If you wish to have some assistance, invite other people who know and care about this individual. You also should pick a time when you’ll have ample time to talk things over.
Be Straightforward And Truthful
When addressing drug or alcohol disorders, you must be direct. Don’t dance around the matter or rely on puzzling euphemisms. Tell your friend or family member that you have concerns about their substance use. Identify the signals of addiction you have seen, like being secretive, withdrawing from loved ones, avoiding responsibilities, or engaging in risky conduct. Be forthcoming about the withdrawal symptoms that you’ve noticed, such as how they get ill and bad-tempered when they abstain from their substance. Impress upon them that you have concerns about their safety, love them, and want to help.
The individual you’re trying to help might respond negatively. No matter how kindly you address them, they could feel angry, embarrassed, or ashamed. Continue to speak calmly but directly. Don’t argue or yell. Don’t forget, your goal is to help them improve their lives, not feel more inadequate.
Allow Them To Speak
Your friend or family member might feel attacked or overloaded if you are the only one talking. Give them space to reply when they want to. They might have little to say at first. Or, they could become combative. Let them get a word in and avoid being judgmental. Don't push them if they aren’t ready to engage or agree to help. Inform them you’re available to talk when they’re ready, and you will check in with them in the near future.
Set And Enforce Your Boundaries
Substance use is damaging to more than the individual using alcohol or drugs. If your loved one’s addiction is affecting you, make it known. Establish boundaries to prevent it from influencing you even more. That may include informing them you cannot supply them with money anymore or they aren’t allowed to approach impressionable family members until they start recovery. If they challenge those boundaries, hold your ground. These limits safeguard you and demonstrate how resolute you are about this situation.
Make An Offer To Help Them Start Treatment
Seeking treatment for addiction is challenging, so extend an offer to help your friend or family member. This is among the most critical facets of how to talk to a loved one about their addiction in New Jersey. Look into substance use treatment centers and come prepared with whatever you find. Offer to make the call, supply a ride, or help cover the cost of care, if feasible. If they turn down treatment today, let them know you’ll keep the information you discovered and help them when they’re prepared to move forward.
Learn More About How To Talk To A Loved One About Addiction In New Jersey
Need help locating drug or alcohol use treatment for a loved one? Evolve Recovery Center is your respected local substance use disorder treatment center. Call us at 908-824-6433 or fill out the form on this page to talk with us immediately about getting started. We pick up the phone 24/7, every day of the year. We’re here for you and the person close to you at any moment you need us.